Community development
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Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business

Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business was developed to help businesses operating in developing countries to understand how to build public-private partnerships that will benefit their host country populations and participating firms.
International Non Governmental Organisations Accountability Charter

International Non Governmental Organisations Accountability Charter resulted from a gathering of INGOs to systematise and reduce the number of structures NGOs must respond to. The INGOs who are signatories to the Charter agree to abide by the following principles: respect for universal principles,...
G3 Guidelines of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework

The G3 Guidelines of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework provide guidance for organisations to use as the basis for disclosure about their sustainability performance (organisation’s economic, environmental, and social performance), and also provide stakeholders a universally-applicable,...
Sustainability Reporting Toolkit

The Sustainability Reporting Toolkit aims to assist companies in learning about sustainability reporting, assessing the need to report, and creating an effective report. The Toolkit contains: * general information to assist in setting the stage for a sustainability report; * guidance for...
AA1000 Assurance Standard

AA1000 Assurance Standard, an open-source standard, covers sustainability reporting and all aspects of an organisation’s performance, including social and ethical, economic and environmental. The standard promotes an inclusive approach that positions stakeholders at the centre of all activities....
Standards for Charity Accountability

Charity Accountability Standards, developed by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, provide assistance to donors in making sound giving decisions and to foster public confidence in charitable organisations. The standards relate to governance and oversight, measuring effectiveness, finances, and...
People In Aid Code of Good Practice

The People In Aid Code of Good Practice is a quality framework covering all aspects of human resources and people management. It comprises 7 principles, each with specific indicators. The Code supports continuous improvement of NGOs‘ HR practices, facilitates stakeholder engagement, and measures...
European Foundation Centre Principles of Good Practice

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) Principles of Good Practice represent a shared vision of good practices and constitute a general recommendation to reinforce good practice, openness and transparency in the European foundation community. As such, they are intended to be of application both...
A Business Case for Fighting Poverty

Action on poverty can benefit business performance, as well as building an enabling environment in which to operate. This is the second paper in Oxfam’s ‘Briefings for Business’ series, which aims to develop the debate on the role of the private sector in poverty reduction by offering ideas and...
Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum

Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum, a conference report, provides a summary of the Forum's proceedings in respect to how business is addressing the Millennium Development Goals.