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Job creation and enterprise development

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Upliftment Jamaica

Upliftment Jamaica upgrades and refurbishes schools, provides school scholarships, and promotes technology in schools. The organisation implements farming and vocational education projects; offers various sports and leisure programmes; provides food daily for people in immediate need; conducts...

Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation

The Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation is an independent NGO that runs an international and national grant programme. The Foundation supports projects that promote peace and enable people to help themselves through population planning, environmental conservation, agricultural improvement and enterprise...

Association For Development Cooperation

The Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH) was founded in Germany in 1959 as a Catholic based, international aid personnel service. AGEH partners with church based agencies and communities, as well as non-governmental organisations to bring about poverty reduction, peace service, and...

International Service

International Service (IS) is a development agency working in Latin America, West Africa and the Middle East. It is the oldest of the British volunteer sending agencies and IS partners with local organisations in these areas which work on a range of aid and development projects . It also seeks to...

World Food Programme (WFP) - Iran

Set-up in 1963, WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. WFP uses its food to: meet emergency needs and support economic and social development. It also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the...

In: Resources

Inclusive Business - How to Develop Business and Fight Poverty

A publication from Endeva with a range of case studies.

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) - Afghanistan

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), is a United Nations entity working for the empowerment of women. UN Women in Afghanistan works across five programme areas: Gender and Justice; Women, Peace and Governance; Institutional Capacity Development; ...

In: News

Restaurants Help Romanian Orphans

After the execution in 1989 of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and the corresponding fall of the communist government, the world’s press got its first look at the horrendous conditions that Romanian orphans had been living in. Lack of basic care and attention left many of the children...

Amal Friends of Children Society

Friends of children society (Amal) is a voluntary non-profit national Sudanese Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) established and registered in 1984 to care for children in difficult situations. Amal have utilized a number of methods for tackling the street children problem including family...

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Through their Civil Society Program, the Foundation provides grants to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and South Africa. Through four programmes areas -- Central/Eastern Europe and Russia, South Africa, United States and Global -- they fund efforts to...

CHF International

CHF International aims to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, helping them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.

Department for International Development (DFID) - India - New Delhi

The Department for International Development (DFID) India, with its headquarters in New Delhi, is part of the British High Commission family. It implements DFID's largest single overseas programme contributing to poverty eradication. DFID India's focus areas are: supporting partner states in...

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organisations (WAITRO)

The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organisations (WAITRO) is an independent, non-governmental and not-for-profit association that promotes and encourages co-operation among industrial and technological research and development organizations. WAITRO aims to be an enabler...

Australian Lutheran World Service

Australian Lutheran World Service is the overseas aid and resettlement agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia. It operates under a constitution approved by the General Synod of the LCA, and is consistent with the objects of the LCA Constitution. Their mission is to reach out in love and for...

Foundation Center

Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is one of the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on...

Charities Advisory Trust

The Charities Advisory Trust is an innovative organisation, concerned with redressing inequalities and injustice in a practical way. The income generation of charities is seen as a way of effecting change. The organization helps other charities with their trading and equips graduates to work in the...

Ayuda en Accion - Bolivia

'Ayuda en Accion' is a Spanish development cooperation, independent, nonpartisan and nondenominational that works to promote structural changes that contribute to the eradication of poverty. It works with communities throughout Bolivia, focusing on education and literacy, community development,...

Hives Save Lives - Africa

Hives Save Lives aim to alleviate poverty in Africa by creating livelihoods, providing employment and generating income through beekeeping. Hives Save Lives provide practical support in the form of hives, training and equipment, delivered directly to those who need it most. Communities marginalised...

Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP)

The Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP) is an overseas aid organisation based in Sydney. AFAP aims to raise public awareness of the current situation in the countries of the Pacific, Asia and Africa. It provides opportunities for Australians who wish to volunteer...

Singapore Action Group of Elders (SAGE)

The Singapore Action Group of Elders (SAGE) is a non-profit, non-religious and multi-ethnic voluntary welfare organisation, with a mission to promote the continued growth and development of the elderly. A member of two NGOs (the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) and HelpAge International),...