Labour conditions
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Sabah Association for Child Care and Development
Sabah Association for Child Care and Development (SACCD) is an NGO established in 1986 to assist disadvantaged children. The organisation works with children between the ages of 5 and 18, providing education and training, including assistance with development-related problems such as the use and...
The Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation (CCAF)
In late 2005, the Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation (CCAF) was formed by co-founders who have extensive experiences in managing NGOs. CCAF is a strictly non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation. Its purpose is to establish a NGO to motivate donors, assist the Cambodian government to...
Zonta International
Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. With more than 31,000 members belonging to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 64 countries and geographic areas, Zontians...
Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband
The Arbeiterwohlfarht (AWO) is a service dedicated to promoting worker welfare. The organization aims to promote the values of freedom, solidarity, tolerance, and justice among German workers. The Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband is responsible for representing the interests of the AWO within the...
United Nations Global Compact
United Nations Global Compact works with businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies within the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
Childrens Rights Information Network (CRIN) - Kenya
Children’s Rights Information Network (CRIN) - Kenya is committed to raising the awareness of the plight of vulnerable children and of issues such as poverty, education, conflicts, violence, sexual abuse, child labour, HIV/AIDS and stigma reduction. CRIN-Kenya is dedicated to caring for the welfare...
Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC)
Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC) is dedicated to the promotion of children's welfare. CAPEC addresses education, poor living conditions, abuse and lack of basic rights.
Accion por los Ninos
Accion por los Ninos is a Peruvian NGO established in 1998 to promote the rights of children and adolescents. The organisation sponsors education and health programmes, and works to protect children from exploitation and abuse.
Saligan-Bikol, Inc (Alternative Legal Assistance Center of Bikol)
Sentro NG Alternatilong Lingap Panligal (Alternative Legal Assistance Center of Bikol) conducts legal work with farmers, workers, the urban poor, women and local communities and works towards the their empowerment. The organisation runs five sectoral programmes (women, labour, the urban poor, ...
Population Media Center
Population Media Center works worldwide using entertainment-education for social change. PMC’s programs encourage positive behavior change among the audience. PMC uses sophisticated audience research methods and multiple media to target its message, focusing efforts in countries and regions...
Impacts of Corporate Code of Conduct on Labor Standards: A Case Study of Reebok's Athletic Footwear Supplier Factory in China (Xiaomin Yu, 2008)
This study examines the social impact of labour-related corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies or corporate codes of conduct on upholding labour standards through a case study of CSR discourse and codes implementation by Reebok, a leading branded company making athletic footwear in a...
Fairtrade Foundation
The Fairtrade Foundation is the independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK in accordance with internationally agreed Fairtrade standards. The Foundation was established in 1992 by CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Traidcraft and the World...
Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO)
Fairtade Labelling Organisation International (FLO) are 24 organisations working to secure a better deal for producers. FLO coordinates Fairtrade labelling at an international level. From its head offices, in Bonn, Germany, FLO: * Set international Fairtrade standards * Organise...
International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for China and Mongolia (ILO - Beijing)
International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for China and Mongolia (ILO - Beijing) works in close collaboration with the government, the workers' and employers' organizations to promote decent work for all. ILO - Beijing assists the Chinese government with labour market policies, social security...
Fair Trade Resource Network
Founded in 1999, FTRN is the only non-profit organisation in North America focused exclusively on Fair Trade education, helping people to better understand the impact of their buying decisions. FTRN also works to create a space for dialogue and exchange within the Fair Trade movement. While FTRN is...
Gender Equality Principles Initiative (GEP Initiative)
The Gender Equality Principles Initiative (GEP Initiative) is a partnership among the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, Calvert Group, Ltd., and Verité. The GEP offer practical standards to which companies can aspire and a measure against which they can assess their progress on 7...
Love and Hope Limited
Love and Hope is a privately owned company based in the UK. The company aims to to help poor workers in clothing production in developing countries to earn a fair and reasonable wage, and to improve their factory working conditions. At the same time, the company aims to educate customers in...
Upwardly Global
Upwardly Global is a nonprofit organisation that helps immigrant, refugee, and asylee professionals find jobs in their career fields. The jobseekers Upwardly Global helps are already permanent residents of the U.S. and work-authorised. Upwardly Global helps them write résumés, sharpen interviewing...
Greyston Bakery
Greyston Bakery is a for-profit company offering high quality gourmet products. Based on a social enterprise model, Greyston Bakery aims to be a force for personal transformation and community economic renewal, offering onsite training, fair wages, health benefits and opportunities for direct...
Fair Trade Sports
Fair Trade Sports Inc is the first sports equipment company in North America to launch a full line of Eco + Fair Trade Certified sports balls. The company ensures fair wages and healthy working conditions for its adult workers. The company donates its profits after tax to children's charities.