Information and communications technologies
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At, we believe fundraising should be simple, profitable, and environmentally-friendly. Join our recycling program and begin collecting empty inkjet cartridges and cell phones for recycling - earn money as you turn trash into cash! We provide you with free materials and...
Thomson-Prometric (TP) is a global provider of testing, assessment and certification services for a number of sectors including the information technology and academic sectors.
Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS)
Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS), part of the Public Service and Outreach Branch of the University of Georgia (U.S.), aims to assist the University, non-profit groups, and state, local and national governments to expand and improve their use of information technology in the public...
Wynyard Group
Wynyard Group is a privately owned company that delivers solutions in over 90 countries in the essential operating areas of risk management, intelligence and investigations. The Group has joined with SISHA in June 2012 (not-for-profit organization that fights against the exploitation and...
Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)
Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), part of the global grantmaking Open Society Institute and the Soros Foundations Network, collaborates with advocacy groups, like-minded foundations, governments, and donors to create initiatives that enhance civil society. OSIWA’s program priorities...
Health on the Net Foundation (HON)
Health On the Net Foundation (HON) is a not-for-profit portal to guide both lay users and medical professionals to reliable sources of healthcare information on the Internet.
Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company
Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company provides global mobile phone technology for relief operation teams, rural development committees, government-aided organisations, and community service teams.
SatCom Group
Specialists in satellite communications, SatCom Distribution provides a wealth of solutions to worldwide communications issues by providing reliable satellite communications equipment and airtime to those working and travelling in remote areas. With so many areas in the world suffering from poor...
African Centre for ICTs in Education and Development
The African Centre for ICTs in Education and Development (AFRICICTED) is a Cameroonian NGO that aims to use its capacity in order to assist in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The organisation hopes to disseminate research information from universities in order to increase...
Project Africa
PROJECT AFRICA was incorporated in Kenya as a non profit NGO in 2008. Today the organization provides supports and services annually to over 1000 women and girls from poor rural and urban settings in Kenya. Its assistance is designed to support individual women and girls to break free from the...
Barrett Communications
Barrett Communications is an international manufacturer of long distance high frequency communications equipment, including voice, e-mail, and fax. The company provides equipment for relief agencies, governments, multinationals and peace-keeping organisations.
Renew Faith Organisation International
Renew Faith Organisation International is a non-governmental organisation operating in Senegal and India. The main focus of Renew Faith is on education, shelter, food and medical treatment. The organisation provides services for orphans and street kids, older people, people with leprosy or mental...
TechSoup Global
TechSoup Global is an international network of individuals and organisations who share the belief that technology is a powerful enabler of social change. It was founded in 1987 as CompuMentor, a non-profit technology assistance organisation that provides low-cost software, including many of...
Oak Ridge National Recycle Centre (TORNRC)
The Oak Ridge National Recycle Centre (TORNRC) is a private corporation established in 1999 as part of the Department of Energy’s National Electronics Recycling Centre. Based in East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) Heritage Centre, TORNRC provides de-manufacturing, recovery, refurbishing,...
Metech International Consumer Computer & Electronic Recycling Program
The Consumer Computer&Electronic Recycling Program is run by Metech International, a service provider for the management of electronic materials. The program has been developed to safely assist consumers in recycling obsolete or unwanted computer equipment. It is designed to meet the highest...
Hope For All / Care Givers Foundation
Hope For All / Care Givers Foundation works amongst the less privileged,orphans and youths. we provide all kinds of services that can help alleviate poverty in our country.our authorization from the government is that of service provider. therefor any organization can partner with us if they are...
Lumbung Yusuf Indonesia
Lumbung Yusuf Indonesia provides health, education, relief, and social services.
EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV)
EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV) fights poverty in the developing world through business development programs that allow small agricultural producers and other entrepreneurs to increase their productivity and incomes, pursue sustainable business opportunities, and create jobs that benefit the families,...
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
The International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) is a non-profit foundation that specialises in information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a tool for development. IICD assists various countries in Africa, Latin-America and the Caribbean to improve development within...
Calvary International - Go To Nations
Go To Nations (ex-Calvary International) is a faith-based non profit agency, providing technical and practical support to workers in the field. It interfaces with local organisations to raise awareness, present projects, provide training and serves as a facilitator among individuals and...