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Food security and nutrition

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DAYA (Destitute, Aged & Young Association)

DAYA is a relief and development organisation that aims to raise the education and health standards of street children, victims of natural disasters and children and others in difficult circumstances. DAYA serves the communities and people in the state of Orissa in India. Among its activities are...


ORA-AUSTRIA works in over 40 countries, providing humanitarian aid (food, education, health care, emergency relief, child sponsorship) to people living under urgent conditions.

Aldeas Infantiles SOS - Costa Rica

Aldeas Infantiles is a member of SOS Kinderdorf International, and works in accordance with its statutes and principles for education and child care. Aldeas Infantiles has been working in Costa Rica since 1975. Currently there are two SOS Children's Villages, one SOS Youth Facility, one SOS...

Food for the Hungry International (FHI) Costa Rica

Food for the Hungry (FHI) is an international organisation committed to development and emergency assistance, and support to stop poverty and hunger worldwide. Through assistance and training it develops facilities that promote self-sustainability of recipients. Work in Costa Rica started in 2002...

Community Children Organisation (COCO)

The Community Children Organization (COCO) is a Cameroonian NGO. Since its inception in 2006, COCO has worked with disabled children and young people, parents, government bodies and intergovernmental bodies on a range of programmes to support and promote the needs of children with disabilities and...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Gulf Area Office

The UNICEF Gulf Area Office (GAO) works with local communities and governments for the survival, development and protection of children and to uphold the Convention on the Rights of the Child. GAO's priorities are children's health, education, equality and protection, with HIV/AIDS, refugees,...

UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)

UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) provides assistance, protection and advocacy for some 5 million registered Palestine refugees, pending a solution to their plight. In Jordan the UNRWA runs schools, training and health centres, provides...

Smethurst Ministries Inc

Smethurst Ministries Inc is an Australian faith-based organisation. Smethurst Ministries funds the construction and renovation of orphanages and provides them with essential supplies.

Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation

Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation supports organisations with development projects and humanitarian affairs. It also supports orphans, the handicapped, and needy people as well as rehabilitating juveniles and drug addicts. The organisation encourages education and offers scholarship for...

Refugehouse Cameroon

Refugehouse Cameroon is an organisation that works for less privileged people, including the poor, the elderly, homeless people and children. The organisation distributes food and medicine, and provides housing, schooling and school equipment. Refugehouse also undertakes relief activities during...

Rwenzori Solidarity Trust

Rwenzori Solidarity Trust is a local Ugandan NGO. Its main role is to provide training for local people on improved living standards, income generation, environmental protection, water and sanitation, and HIV/AIDS awareness.


LEADS is a Sri Lankan NGO that works for marginalised groups throughout the country, seeksing to address the root causes of poverty, through participatory and rights based approaches. LEADS is involved in child protection, relief and rehabilitation, community development and advocacy work. The...

Project Africa

PROJECT AFRICA was incorporated in Kenya as a non profit NGO in 2008. Today the organization provides supports and services annually to over 1000 women and girls from poor rural and urban settings in Kenya. Its assistance is designed to support individual women and girls to break free from the...

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Russia

The International Committe of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an independent organisation whose mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence, and to provide them with assistance. It directs and coordinates the international relief activities conducted by the...

Food for the Poor

Many countries across Latin America and the Caribbean struggle greatly with poverty, hunger and a host of accompanying problems. Food For The Poor hears their desperate cries — and takes swift action.

HELP - Germany

HELP is a German non-governmental charitable organisation and is engaged in emergency assistance as well as rehabilitation and development projects. HELP aims to encourage the efforts made by communities affected by catastrophes and misery -- to have them improve their living circumstances...

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - Switzerland

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent humanitarian aid agency that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries. In countries where health structures are insufficient or even non-existent, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the Ministry...

Triangle Génération Humanitaire

Founded in 1994, Triangle Génération Humanitaire is a non-governmental organisation based in France that specialises in international relief and development. Triangle Génération Humanitaire organises humanitarian interventions for refugees, provides construction and equipment of centers for the...

Secours Islamique (Islamic Aid)

Begun in 1984, Secours Islamique is a non-governmental international organisation providing emergency aid and sustainable development. Secours Islamique assists victims of natural disasters like earthquakes, distributes hygiene packs, drinking water, food, tents, medicines and clothing and...

Muslim Aid Australia

Muslim Aid Australia provides emergency, long-term assistance and other charitable services to alleviate the pain of those suffering and in need of relief. The organisation raises funds for various relief efforts and orphan aid programmes for some of the poorest countries of the world. MAA...