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Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry

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Africa ICT Right

Africa ICT Right (AIR) is an ICT-oriented NGO established in 2007 and run by a team of volunteers. AIR was established in order to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to address critical national problems pertaining to the education, agriculture, gender, youth empowerment and...

Shine Epilepsy Support Organization

Shine Epilepsy Support is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of people (children, young people and adults) with epilepsy through information, education, advocacy, support services and research throughout Kenya. Shine...

Rwamwanja Rural Foundation Ltd

Rwamwanja rural foundation is a youth refugee led non profit organization founded as a community based organization in 2015 and registered in 2020 as a non profit organization.Reg NO-80020002800879 Mission : To make highly nutritious "ready- to- use food products more accessible and...

Youth and Women's Alliance for Rural Development (YAWARD)

Youth and Women's Alliance for Rural Development (YAWARD)is a Northern Ugandan-based indigenous Community Empowerment Voluntary and Charity Self-Help Organization founded in 2007, and fully registered by Ugandan Government for these and allied purposes functioning in Uganda. As according to the...

Destiny Africa

Destiny Africa is a national non-profit in Kenya working in the areas of advocacy, programs and projects in environment - climate change and sustainable solid waste management, education, health, sports and sustainable development.

Social Relief and Development Agency

Social Relief and Development Agency (SRDA) is a local NGO working in Somalia / Somaliland. SRDA was founded by a group of community elders, leaders and professionals having different specialties, who came up with the views of establishing the pillars of this organization on September 2004 SRDA...

Fountain of Hope Forestry

Fountain of Hope Forestry's mission is improve community's social and economic wellbeing through dedicated tree growing and efficient biomass energy production. Fountain of Hope Forestry is a company dedicating its activities to sustainable environmental management through growing of locally...

Power of Holy Spirit children's Organization

Power Of Holy Spirit Children's Organization exists to advocate for children by designing programs that meet their needs through a holistic approach in Uganda.

Crossroads Foundation Verified non-profit organisation

Crossroads Foundation is a Hong Kong based, non-profit organisation serving global need. We believe that, in a broken world that sees too much suffering, we should do all we can to link those who are in need with those who can provide help. So we provide an intersection, literally a crossroads, to...

Keilah community Childcare Uganda

Keilah Community Childcare Uganda is a registered Not for Profit Community Based Organization working to empower vulnerable children with education and young people through self-help skills to be responsible, sustainable for self-reliant. The organization was established in 2018 to improve the...

One World Foundation Africa

One World Foundation Africa runs activities in both the UK and Uganda. The organisation partners with a number of other organisations such as Bukomero Development Foundation to implement some of its projects. In UK, they operate a community centre in East London from where they are engaged in...

Mountains of Hope Childrens Ministries

Mountains of Hope is a registered Non Governmental Organization implementing development projects among orphans and vulnerable children, their households, women empowerment, education and health in Mpigi district. The ministries have expanded their projects to support not only children, but the...


Comealivecharitable is local charity organisation based in Uganda and whose core objectives are to address social related concerns for marginalised communities and also including the urban poor communities. The organization addresses social related issues like education, poverty alleviation,...

Shule Foundation Inc

Shule Foundation is a registered 501C3 organization working in Uganda that works exclusively with boys ranging in age from 6 to 18 who are living on the streets of Kampala and Mbale. Through various programs - outreaches, skills training, family reunification, sponsorship, counselling and...

Smart Economic Empowerment and Development Solutions (SEEDS)

Smart Economic Empowerment and Development Solutions (SEEDS) is a legally registered non-profit organization authorized to work in Nairobi, Kajiado, Makueni, Machakos, and Taita Taveta Counties in Kenya. SEEDS aims at alleviating poverty among the most vulnerable by smart economic empowerment...

Green Solutions

Green Solutions seeks to solve the problem of unemployment of young people in the region as well as establishment of a large room for raising of high quality seedlings for both tree and fruit species in order to ensure a green environment in the region and the world at large. The objective is...

Green Beacon Community Foundation (GBCF)

Green Beacon Community Foundation is a Tanzanian NGO. Though GBCF is still young, they have managed within a year to implement several projects to support community development in Tanzania. GBCF has supported 18 community schools in Mara region; obtaining 825 desks and chairs and has also...

Molo Constituency Forest Association

The continuing growth and the attendant rapid physical expansions increase the pressure on both rural and urban resources. The so called rural crisis is a composite syndrome of resource taping poor planning and overall County Economic Problems. These problems have manifested in inadequate...

Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development

Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development (SEEED) is a not-for-profit organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC), established in 2014, under the CAMA 1990, CAP 59 with Corporate Affairs Commission, in Federation Laws...

We Care Community Based Organisation (WECARE)

WECARE is a community based organisation located in Seme Sub-County, Kisumu County, in the western part of Kenya. It is a non-profit, non-denominational and non-sectarian that was formed by community welfare minded people with an aim of empowering the community members who bear unequal levels of...