Agriculture and livestock
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FREEPLUS Foundation
Friends Rallying to Empower Each other Professing Love and Unity for Self-reliance (FREEPLUS)Foundation is a community based, non-profit making organization founded in 2016 by a group of unemployed and impoverished youths of Anai. The organization with help from the local community and...
Madilanyu Bee keeping Company

Madilanyu Bee Keeping Company was established as a peace building initiative between the refugee and the host community of Itirikwa sub county, Adjumani District. It was founded in the year 2014, as the refugees were seeking for asylums; majority did not have any livelihood project they are engaged...
Mamas for Burundi Association

MAFOBA is a non-profit association (asbl) initiated in 2015 by Burundian girls and women and approved by the Ministry of the Interior, patriotic training and communal development. MAFOBA is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) who works for the promotion of socio-economic rights, peace,...
Healthier Hearts Foundation

The Healthier Hearts Foundation was established as a non-profit organization accredited by Economic and social council (ECOSOC) united Nations under Civil Society Organisation with the purpose of providing a safe haven where youth participate in a comprehensive program of health, awareness,...
Heaven's Holistic Development

Heaven's Holistic Development (HHD) is a local CSO established in 2018 and registered at the Agency for Civil Societies of Ethiopia in July 2019. HHD envisions a justice-based, poverty-free, democratic and self reliable society in Ethiopia. Its mission is to ensure a better life for people...
New Vision Printing and Publishing Company Ltd

New Vision Printing and publishing Company Ltd aims to be the leading media house in Uganda which offers services like talk shows, news paper adverts, spot adverts documentaries among other broad cast services. The company also offers printing services for information education materials, annual...
Association de Producteurs des Céréales de l'Uélé (APCU_KIBALI) OR. UÉLÉ CEREAL GROWERS ASSOCIATION

Created in 2017, APCU_KIBALI is a DRCONGO registered developmental initiative aimed at supporting the livelihoods of the most vulnerable groups living around the Mining areas (Youths,Disabled people,Elderly people,Women and Children);by engaging them in productive businesses for self-reliance.
Kihanga Farm Transport And General Trading Company Limited

Kihanga Farm Transport and General Trading Co. Ltd is a private company incorporated in 1999 as a Limited Company under Companies Act, 2002 by Reg. No. 35681. The company mainly undertakes farming activities, transport, agro-dealer and civil works tendered by government (TANROADS and TARURA),...
Partners for Relief and Development Organization (PARDO)

The main goal of PARDO is to create partnership and contribute to a sustainable socio-economic development for vulnerable groups and needy communities through community engagement, capacity building, advocacy, relief and institutional strengthening at the grass root, regional and national levels in...
Peace Builders of Africa

Established in 2014, and registered as community Based Organization in 2015, Peace Builders of Africa also known as PBA – Uganda is a dynamic Christian child and youth focused Grassroots peace building charity organization that strives to ensure that the marginalized communities are uplifted...
Rems-Africa Consultancy Limited

REMS-AFRICA Consultancy Limited, is a fast-growing Tanzanian company registered in 2020. The company has a vision of becoming a highly reputable consulting firm in Tanzania, the Eastern and Southern Africa region. Its mission is to deliver high quality consulting services for the business...
Francesco Ruini Beekeeping associating

This association is established to improve bee keeping in their community to decrease the poverty rate in the community and create employment for the youth.
Centre for Integrated Community Development (CICD-UGANDA)

CICD-UGANDA is an indigenous /non-partisan /non for profit rural based community learning organization in Buhweju District, Western Uganda. It was formed in 2014 and officially registered at the district as a Community Based Organization in 2016. CICD-Uganda is a youth and community-led initiative...
Anh Duong Community Development and Support Center

Anh Duong is a Vietnamese NGO that has poverty-reduction and community development in the poor and remote areas of Mekong delta of Vietnam as its goal. Anh Duong focuses its efforts on the poorest of the poor, regardless of religion or race. Among this population, Anh Duong gives priority to...
Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD)

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD) Is a non-profiteering, non- government rights based organization. Formally formed in 2008 with the sincere efforts of some dedicated social young workers with the objectives of assisting the disadvantaged people towards developing their...
ONG Skyline was created in 2016 with the aim of improving the living conditions of the population. It mainly targets disadvantaged people, young people and vulnerable women. Its fields of activity are: education; environment, health, development, public works.
Jesus Foundation Trust

Jesus Foundation Trust is working for common good of the people. Their current focus during coronavirus is to reduce the decease through giving hand sanitizers, masks, hand washing soap. The Trust also works on women development, children education, social development, water and environment,...
GREAT TRUST (Girls Ramification Educational Association Trust)

The “Girls Ramification Educational Association Trust” (GREAT) is a registered non-profit charitable trust and the Registration No.58/BK4/2000 dated 3rd February 2000. The Trust is a non-political, non-religious, nonprofit charitable organization functioning at Vellore District in Tamil Nadu, South...
Heritage Charity Foundation
Heritage Charity Foundation is a community based not-for-profit organization founded in the year 2013 but legally registered in Ghana in the year 2014. The foundation's focus areas are to provide free basic and compulsory education and health care to out-of-school children in hard-to-reach...
Faith Association Of Rehabilitation Of Street Children And Orphans (FARSO)
Faith Association for Rehabilitation of Street Children and Orphans (FARSO) is charity organization and NGO aimed at providing rehabilitation to children on the Street, underprivileged and social outcast in the deprived and marginalised communities in West Africa and Africa as a whole. FARSO...