Touch me foundation For the less previleged
Unverified non-profit organisation
TOUCHME FOUNDATION FOR THE LESS PRIVILEGEDHead Office Address: Touch me foundationforthelessprivileged plot 256 jajanwachukwuStreet, wuye, Abuja , Fct.
Mobile Phone:- +234 814 384 9396 , 07018199937 WhatsApp :- 08143849396
Website:- Operational Area: Nigeria
CAC Reg. No:- CAC/INC 153046
Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and largest economy, has been widely acknowledged as a country with enormous potential for development. The country has however over the years fallen short of these potentials, failing at every major human development index, most recently becoming home to the highest number of people living in extreme poverty in the world.
The country is also experiencing a series of security challenges which have left a significant number of her citizens displaced from their homes and living in camps, while in education is also extremely challenged with 13million children out of school, while youth unemployment and underemployment is also at an all-time high.Within this mix of challenges, there is a need for interventions to support the government’s efforts to rein them in and provide better life for the citizens. While the government puts in an effort to solve the problems confronting society, within its limited resources, there is a need to pool resources from alternative sources to carry Nigerians through emergency situations in order to get them back on their feet and make them productive citizens that contribute meaningfully to the development of the country.
Touch Me Foundation, is created as a vehicle to provide such interventions to the most vulnerable in Nigeria through charitable donations and mobilization of people and resources, to provide relief in emergency situations and empower them to become productive citizens of society. Touch Me Foundation connects people with opportunity, to facilitate the development of their potentials by helping them to remove obstacles that hold them back.
About Us
The Touchme Foundation (TMF) is a registered Non-Profit, Non-Religious Non-Partisan , Non Political and Non-Governmental Organization whose programmes are focused on the eradication of poverty in Nigeria. Touch Me Foundation was formally registered under the Companies and Allied Matters (CAMA) with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on 23rd October , 2020, even though the organization had already commenced charitable giving outreaches in operations informally in March, 2020.
The organization was founded by Prince Ademuyiwa Oduwole JP, a Nigerian who had spent decades in the diaspora and returned home due to his burning passion for touching lives positively. The organization has so far been run through donations from its founder. Over the course of the few months of its existence the organization has been able to reach over four thousand beneficiaries through its charitable giving and other programmes.
Going forward, as the scale and scope of its operations are expanding, the foundation seeks to consummate more partnerships and collaborations towards increased impact and reaching more beneficiaries. The foundation is at different stages of talks to finalize and execute these partnerships.
To build a society that is free of poverty and where welfare is guaranteed as a bare minimum of being a citizen.
To reach out to the most vulnerable in society and provide strong support systems to provide them a level playing field to become productive members of society and fulfill their potentials.
Touch Me Foundation’s programmes and projects are aimed at tackling extreme poverty by promoting the welfare of the poorest of the poor by:
Creating awareness among the poorest of the poor on contemporary and emerging challenges in society, to build their capacity to solve them.
Providing micro-loans to deserving extremely poor Nigerians to expand their business ventures.
Intervening in providing relief to the vulnerable in society to cushion the effects of emergency situations on their livelihoods and welfare.
Enlightening the society on issues of gender and children towards providing safe spaces for victims of injustice to air their grievances and approach relevant government agencies for justice.
Building partnerships with diverse stakeholders towards executing developmental projects among our target beneficiary populations.
Providing government and its agencies with needed data on the vulnerable in society, to guide government and its agencies on needed interventions to alleviate poverty.
Thematic Areas
Disaster Relief
Children’s Welfare and Justice
Poverty Alleviation
Target Beneficiaries
In achieving its vision, mission and objectives, Touch Me Foundation aims its programmatic interventions aimed at the most vulnerable in society including: women, children and rural dwellers. We target these groups because they represent the greatest opportunity and threat to a peaceful and prosperous society, being the worst hit by the various crises that confront Nigeria and humanity as a whole.
Sources of Funding
Touch Me Foundation is run through donations from the founder, owing to his burning passion to benefit humanity. The foundation is however open to support from like minded organizations and individuals, towards achieving its objectives.
Programmes Execution Strategies
➢ Advocacy
➢ Outreaches
➢ Capacity Building
➢ Charitable Giving
➢ Public Sensitization
➢ Media Campaigns
➢ CSR Partnerships
Our Alliances
While we are open to new partnerships and are actively seeking and engaging with new potential partners, we have overtime worked with the following Civil Society Coalitions on various projects:
➢ Child right foundation
➢ Nigeria Network of NGOs and Reproductive Health (NiNPREH)
➢ Girl Child Education Network (GEN)
➢ Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for all (CSACEFA)
➢ The federal government of Nigeria , under the Office of the SGF
➢ Pr Times International
Project Touch Me Relief
Touch Me Enterprise Support i.e widow’s empowerment
Touchme Thrift support
Activities Breakdown:
10th April, 2020
Project Touch Me Relief
Distribution of Palliatives to the Poor.
Covid19 Outreach
Kubwa, Abuja.
Donation from the Founder
12th – 14th April, 2020
Touch Me Enterprise Support
Cash Transfers to the Vulnerable
Covid19 Business Support/ Empowerment
FCT, Abuja.
Donation from the Founder
12th – 18th May, 2020
Project Touch Me Relief
Distribution of Palliatives to the Poor.
Covid19 Outreach
Okene and Ilu Tuntun Kogi state. Kwali, Kubwa, Gwagwa and Karmo, Abuja.
Donation from Founder and Friends of the Founder
19th – 22nd May, 2020
Touch Me Enterprise Support
Cash Transfers to the Vulnerable
Covid19 Business Support/ Empowerment
Online, Nigeria.
Donation from Founder and Friends of the Founder
31stAugust ,
Project Touch Me Relief
Sallah Celebration with the Less Privileged
Easing Hunger
Maitama Ext Mpape and IDP
camp Karma Jiji
Airport Road ,
Abuja ,FCT.
Donation from the Founder
https://www.touchmefoundation.orgYear established
March, 2020Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
1 million - 100 millionParticipant in relevant networks
LAASCOOPS Child Rights Foundation Widows Need Advocate Noella Foundation KrafityFurther information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Standards and all (6)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: NigeriaGlobal issues
Children, youth and family welfare; Community development; Disability issues; all (14)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Books & audiovisual; Educational; all (8)Business sectors
Agriculture and livestock; Community and social services; Education and training; all (10)Disasters
Nigeria: Nigeria: Hepatitis E Outbreak - Jun 2017; Nigeria: Nigeria: Floods - Aug 2017You might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Children, youth and family welfare (3394)
- Community development (3813)
- Disability issues (849)
- Disasters and humanitarian affairs (1515)
- Education and training (4218)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1322)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (667)
- Information and communications technologies (657)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2792)
- Migration and population (261)
- Mine action (79)
- Peace and security (362)
- Refugees and internally displaced persons (339)
- Labour conditions (255)