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Down Syndrome Association (DSA) - Singapore

Down Syndrome Association (DSA), Singapore, is a self-funded non-profit organisation. DSA serves individuals with Down syndrome and their families. Their aim is to support and educate professionals, families and the public about Down syndrome. DSA provides emotional support, understanding,...

Epilepsy Care Group (ECG)

The Epilepsy Care Group (ECG) is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization working to address the needs of persons with epilepsy and their caregivers in Singapore. Organisational objectives include educating those with epilepsy/family members/the general public about epilepsy, providing...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Laos

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 157 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide. In Laos, UNICEF supports the government in several programmes including the reduction of the...

Singapore Action Group of Elders (SAGE)

The Singapore Action Group of Elders (SAGE) is a non-profit, non-religious and multi-ethnic voluntary welfare organisation, with a mission to promote the continued growth and development of the elderly. A member of two NGOs (the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) and HelpAge International),...

Spastic Children's Association of Singapore (SCAS)

The Spastic Children's Association of Singapore (SCAS) provides special education, rehabilitation services, vocational training and gainful employment for children and adults with cerebral palsy in Singapore. Special education was introduced with the setting up of a school in 1966, a resource...

Mata Amritanandmayi Math

Mata Amritanandmayi Math is a charitable humanitarian organisation operating in the culture, education, healthcare and social services sectors for the poor in Indian society. The organisation accepts monetary donations and gifts in kind for its operations in India.

Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH)

The Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH), formerly known as the Singapore Association for the Blind (SAB), was founded to 'help the visually handicapped help themselves' and ultimately abolish any barriers that prevent the total integration and equal treatment of the visually...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Laos

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has worked in Laos since 1957 and currently the primary objective is to eradicate poverty. Focus areas for Laos include democratic governance, poverty reduction, energy and the environment, the Lao National Unexploded Ordnance Programme (UXO),...

Response Net

Response Net is an online communication tool which creates a network of the abilities of thousands of organizations and individuals in a connected way for the benefits of the development sector universally. Its mission is to provide accurate and timely easy to use free and relevant information...

Ohashi Imaemon Co- Safesanit

Ohashi Imaemon Co. provides its SafeSanit self-contained portable sanitary units that safe biological treatment and low-cost ongoing flushing cycles in a standalone unit. SafeSanit are environmentally friendly portable toilets that require no continuous water supply and no drainage connection. In...

NGO Forum on Cambodia

The NGO Forum is made up of local and international non-governmental organizations grounded in their experience of humanitarian and development assistance to Cambodia. The NGO Forum exists for information sharing, debate and advocacy on priority issues affecting Cambodia’s development, with an...

Human Development Promotion Group (HDPG)

Human Development Promotion Group (HDPG) is a welfare and socio-economic development organisation. The organisation works to create an ideal society based on full respect for human rights in which all men and women especially those living in poverty may exercise their rights and utilize their...

Customs Department - Singapore

The state customs administration of Singapore.Singapore Customs is the lead agency on trade facilitation and revenue enforcement matters. It is responsible for the implementation of customs and trade enforcement measures including those related to free trade agreements and strategic goods. As the...

Sphere India

Sphere India is a coalition of government and non-government agencies involved in humanitarian initiatives. Launched in 2002, Sphere India aims at contributing towards the quality of humanitarian response by ensuring improved coordination among the various stakeholders in humanitarian work, while...

National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO

National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO is a national cooperating body established by the Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of associating their governmental and non-governmental bodies with the work of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Guangzhou Municipal Social Services Centre

Guangzhou Municipal Social Services Centre has several branches including life insurance, finance, community services, network technology support and voluntary work development. The Department of Community Service Operations is responsible for publishing surveys, statistics, and analyses. The...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Nepal

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. UNDP first established its office in Nepal in 1963 to support the Nepalese in...

Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI)

Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) is a non-profit, registered society composed of a federation of 24 State Voluntary Health Associations, linking together more than 4000 health care institutions and grassroots level community health programmes spread across India. VHAI's primary...

Autistic Association (Singapore)

The Autistic Association (Singapore) was set up by a group of parents in August 1992 with the original aims to identify, promote and encourage the treatment, education, welfare and acceptance of persons with autism. They also protect and act in the interests of persons with autism and autistic-like...

Mercy Corps International - Kyrgyzstan

Mercy Corps is a not-for-profit international humanitarian agency, involved in emergency relief, sustainable community development and civil society initiatives. Its goal in Kyrgyzstan is to transfer knowledge and expertise, through development and financial services programs, to its clients and...