Rural Women and Girls AIDS Net Work Uganda Limited
Unverified non-profit organisation
Rural Women and Girls AIDS Net Work Uganda, (RWGANET) is an Independent non-political, Non-profit, Non-Government, Christian Community Based Organization , founded in 2013 by a number of widows who aimed at defending the rights for Orphans and promoting Justice for Widows, through rendering a holistic service to orphans, vulnerable children, affected and infected with HIV/AIDS. RWGANET is registered with Busia District local government with (RegNo. 005017018), and with Registrar of companies in Uganda (RegNo: 80020000555931). It carries out developmental activities impacting on all irrespective of color, age, religion, sex or political affiliation and is located in Kisenyi A, Western Division, Busia Municipality with in Busia District, Eastern Region of Uganda.
To transform the marginalized and vulnerable Communities from dependency syndrome to self-reliance.
Provide services that promote Socio-economic empowerment and participation of special interest groups such as women, youth,Orphans and Vulnerable Children(OVCs), elderly and People With
Disabilities (PWDs). Contribute towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS transmission and improve standards of living of persons affected and infected, Provide services that promote mainstreaming of Primary Health
Care, Nutrition, Gender, Human Rights, Child protection, ethics,
integrity, Governance, participation, Socio-Accountability fight
against the killer diseases and Adult literacy in developmental
Beneficiaries :
180 Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Women( Widows, Care givers, Single mothers), People Living with HIV/AIDS, People With Disabilities and LGBT/ Commercial Sex Workers .
Organisational thematic areas : Education, Health, Water Hygiene and Sanitation, Home based Care, Economic Strengthening, Environment/Climate Conservation.