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Hands for Help Nepal

Hands for Help Nepal works with grass-root-level communities to mobilise international and local volunteers in different projects. Hands for Help also works to strengthen the capacity, skills and knowledge of voluntary development organisations and to provide support and create opportunities to the...

JCS International

JCS is a consortium of Christian agencies working together as one INGO to serve the nation and people of Mongolia by helping to meet the needs of society in terms of the whole person – physical, spiritual, and intellectual – and to support their efforts to improve their own lives and their...

Rajasthan Bal Kalyan Society

RBKS is a registered voluntary organisation devoted to rural education and community development in Udaipur and Rajasmand districts of South Rajasthan and tribal zones of India. The main emphasis of RBKS is to educate and create opportunities for the rural underprivileged tribal children. RBKS...

Global Network for Good Governance - Zambia (GNGG-Zambia)

Global Network for Good Goverance - Zambia (GNGG-Zambia) is a non- governmental organisation involved in human rights, good governance, and improving the standard of living for the poor, especially women and the disabled. GNGG-Zambia is also involved in child protection and rights.

United Church of Zambia (UCZ) - Twesa Community Group

United Church of Zambia (UCZ) - Twesa Community Group, based at Chipembi Mission in Chisamba, aims to help in the mitigation of HIV/AIDS through improved standards of living. The organisation provides programmes in youth and women empowerment through survival skills, income generating, and support...

China – Britain Business Council (CBBC)

China – Britain Business Council (CBBC) is a UK agency offering assistance to British companies intending to do business in China. In 1998 China Britain Trade Group changed its name to China Britain Fussiness Council. CBBC has operated as a business-led partnership between government and industry....

YWAM Cook Islands

Youth With A Mission (YWAM), founded in 1960, is an international interdenominational Christian organisation, operating in more than 900 locations in over 140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of people...

Childug Charitable Foundation(CCF)

Childug Charitable Foundation (CCF) provides services to the Tawang District of Arunachal Pradesh region of India. Its current projects include the establishment of a free school to educate and house destitute children, a public health clinic, a home for the elderly and a public library. CCF...

Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC)

Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC) is dedicated to the promotion of children's welfare. CAPEC addresses education, poor living conditions, abuse and lack of basic rights.

World Wide Village, Inc.

World Wide Village, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organisation whose mission is to transform impoverished communities mainly by providing Christian education, health care, nutrition and micro enterprise opportunities to children and families. Their current geographical focus is in Haiti.

Oeuvre Nigérienne de Developpement Social

Oeuvre Nigérienne de Developpement Social works to help the poorest people and support the most needy ones to develop and improve their living conditions. The organisation also prepares programmes for peace, literacy, housing, finance and health.

Actions de Solidarité Internationale (ASI)

Actions de Solidarité Internationale (ASI) supports local organisations in the fields of health, micro enterprise and rural development within its areas of operation.

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) Brazil

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) provides finance and technical assistance to foster women's empowerment and gender equality. UN Women Brasil focuses on projects aimed at: poverty reduction among women and HIV/AIDS prevention, encouraging women's...

Tanga in Touch

Tanga in Touch supports projects in Tanga, Tanzania by sending recycled computing equipment to schools, and educates the schools on how to use the equipment. This organisation also helps local schools link with projects in different parishes in the community, supports a local leprosy care centre,...

World Bank - West Bank & Gaza

The World Bank is an international financial institution based in Washington DC, USA, that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. Its official goal is the reduction of poverty. In 1993 the World Bank established the Trust Fund for Gaza and West Bank. Since then the World...

Project Father Heart of God for India

Youth With A Mission (YWAM), founded in 1960, is an international interdenominational Christian organisation, operating in more than 900 locations in over 140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of people...

African Revival

African Revival builds, supports and sustains projects in Africa. The organisation works in marginalised rural districts to initiate projects in education, sustainability and school building. African Revival aims to empower families and communities to improve their health and wellbeing, with a...

Find Your Feet (FYF)

Find Your Feet (FYF) enables vulnerable families in poor communities to improve harvests, increase family income, and learn skills and access education services. This organisation also addresses women's needs and rights, the need to maintain biodiversity, increase understanding of economic, social...


ECIAfrica, an affiliate of Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), is a consulting firm that provides social and economic development solutions to business, government, and civil society in developing and transitioning countries within Sub-Saharan Africa. ECIAfrica takes a multi-sectoral...

Caritas Internationalis - Taiwan

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and...