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Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)

SSP is an Indian NGO that works for the improvement of living conditions of local communities through grass root women’s empowerment. It supports micro credit projects and networks of self-learning and self-help groups made by women. It also has a programme for disaster response.

Caritas Nicaragua

Caritas Nicaragua, a member of the confederation of Roman Catholic relief(Caritas Internationalis), promotes development programmes to meet the basic needs of the poorest without creating dependency. Programmes are aimed at community health promotion, HIV/Aids prevention, capacity building and...

World Education – Senegal

World Education (WE) is an international NGO headquartered in the US that provides training and technical assistance to to the nonformal educational sector in 50 countries worldwide. Projects are designed to contribute to individual growth, as well as to community and national development. In...

World Vision - Peru

World Vision - Peru, part of World Vision International, concentrates its efforts on working with children, the provision of humanitarian relief and promotion of justice for the poor. Core programmes include health and nutrition, pre-school and primary education, advocacy for child protection and...

Credito con Educacion Rural (CRECER)

Credito con Educacion Rural (CRECER)is an independent Bolivian NGO established with initial assistance from Freedom from Hunger. CRECER provides micro-finance and business training to poor women throughout Bolivia. CRECER also practices community banking in rural areas. In addition, CRECER is also...

KHULA Enterprise Finance Limited

Khula Enterprise Finance Limited is an agency of South Africa's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). It was established to facilitate access to finance for small and medium size business. Khula provides assistance through various delivery channels including commercial banks, retail financial...

Sarvodaya Headquarters

The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement is a self-governance movement working in ten thousand villages with nearly four million people across Sri Lanka. It works to fulfill human needs such as clean and healthy environment, water, clothing, food, health care, housing, energy, education and spiritual and...

Arche noVa - Initative for people in need

arche noVa - initiative for people in need is a non-profit NGO working primarily in the fields of humanitarian aid, development cooperation and education. Regardless of the victims' ethnicity and ideology Arche noVa supports all those who suffer as a result of war, suppression and natural...

Triodos Bank

Triodos Bank is one of the world's leading sustainable banks. Triodos connect savers and investors who want to change the world for the better with entrepreneurs and sustainable companies doing just that. We are the only specialist bank to offer integrated lending and investment opportunities in an...

International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for China and Mongolia (ILO - Beijing)

International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for China and Mongolia (ILO - Beijing) works in close collaboration with the government, the workers' and employers' organizations to promote decent work for all. ILO - Beijing assists the Chinese government with labour market policies, social security...

Opportunity International (OI)

Opportunity International (OI) is an international non-profit organisation, using micro-enterprise development and providing small business loans. Opportunity is committed to solving the root cause of poverty instead of merely treating its symptoms; through providing micro-credit and basic training...

International Committee for the Development of Peoples(CISP)

The International Committee for the Development of Peoples (CISP) is an Italian NGO focusing on development cooperation, humanitarian aid and rehabilitation. CISP's priorities in the field of cooperation are the fight against poverty, rural development, food security (agriculture, fishery,...

Relief International

Relief International, based in Los Angeles and founded in 1990, provides emergency relief, rehabilitation, and development assistance to victims of natural disasters and civil conflicts worldwide. The activities include humanitarian health assistance, education, and distribution of medicine and...

Australian Relief & Mercy Services Ltd (ARMS)

Australian Relief&Mercy Services Ltd (ARMS), the Mercy Ministries arm of Youth With A Mission Australia, trains people to work with the poor, and initiates and maintains micro-enterprise, primary health care, and other projects among the poor. ARMS provides emergency aid, in the form of small...

Wholistic Transformation Resource Center (WTRC)

WTRC helps development organisations involved in micro enterprise programmes, and seeks, on a global and regional scale, to facilitate the distribution and sharing of information and services needed by the micro enterprise sector. WTRC wants to see strong local churches that are self-sustaining,...


Africare's programmes address needs in the principal areas of food security and agriculture as well as health and HIV/AIDS. Africare also supports water resource development, environmental management, basic education, micro enterprise development, governance initiatives and emergency humanitarian...

KazMicroFinance LLC

KazMicroFinance LLC is a socially-oriented micro-credit organisation, set up following the Kazakhstan Loan Fund established in 1997 by non-profit corporation ACDI/VOCA under USAID initiative. KazMicroFinance LLC aims to improve people’s welfare by applying micro-lending programs.

South American Missionary Society (SAMS)

The South American Missionary Society (SAMS) is a faith-based charity, involved in activities including funding programmes in the area of medical outreach, rural community development, micro-enterprise development and orphanages. SAMS is committed to working in partnership with churches in...

Association Al Amana Pour la Promotion des Microentreprises

Association Al Amana Pour la Promotion des Microentreprises promotes micro-enterprise by offering credit and related services.

SKS Microfinance

SKS Microfinance is an Indian NGO that distributes small loans that begin at Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 12,000 (about $44-$260) to poor women so to enable them to start and expand simple businesses and increase their incomes. The micro-enterprises range from raising cows and goats in order to sell the milk,...