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Daughters Africa Initiative

Daughters Africa Initiative is a grass root community based organization supporting education in the far hard to reach areas. Through ensuring all children have access to quality inclusive education, they Identify pupils of the school going age but are not schooling as well as those who dropped out...
Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation

«LBH Charity Foundation» is an independent, not for profit making, non-political, charitable associative organization and foundation, created in 2020 to help improve the quality of life for victims of societal ills such as rape, sexual harassment, sexism, domestic abuse, basic human right violation...
Mission Evangélique Chrétienne Agape

Mission Evangélique Chrétienne Agape is a mission sending agency, training pastors and sending for evangelism and church planting. The agent focuses also on farming god's Way, business training, job creation, microfinance, health Care, education, vocational training, community health evangelism
Lango Action for Community transformation Agency

Lango Action for Community Transformation Agency is a committed community based and non-profit making organization that works with the community to improve the lives of vulnerable children and youth through venturing on education and health in Lango sub-region, Northern Uganda.
St. Vincent Medical and Diagnostics Laboratory

St. Vincent Medical and Diagnostics Laboratory is a community-owned medical laboratory and Clinic in their community, conducting medical diagnosis and tests on patients as well as carrying out minor treatments on tropical and non-tropical diseases. The vision is to treat as many underprivileged...
Women's Opportunity Network (WON)

Women's Opportunity Network, a sub-section of Opportunity International, focuses its resources primarily upon providing microfinance services to women in underdeveloped areas. The organisation operates through local partner organisations to provide microcredit - small loans, training and counsel,...
Social Development International (SODEIT)
Social Development International (SODEIT) is an NGO in Cameroon that works for poor and underprivileged communities. Target groups include children, adolescents and caregivers. The organisation aims to promote education and reduce illiteracy; build the capacity of the underprivileged to fight the...
Alebtong Aged Support Organisation (AASO)

Alebtong Aged Support Organisation (AASO) is a Ugandan NGO that works with the vommunities to support elderly people in line with shelter provision, food for relief and scholastic materials for their well being. AASO also renders support to orphans and vulnerable children in abject areas in...
Ambassadors of God Organisation

The Ambassador of God Organisation was set up to fulfill the following missions : 1. To perform works of charity and promote youth empowerment and self-reliance as agreed by the Organization 2. To gather aid for the underprivileged in the society, and also offer necessary guidance and...
Phoenix Resource Centre (Northampton) Limited

We are a UK registered charity with our own registered NGO's in Djibouti and Somaliland in East Africa, and Ghana in West Africa. We also work with partner organisations covering 61 countries in total. Our main strengths lie in product resource volume / capacity handling, setting up, running and...

GTG INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION is an NGO registered in Uganda (2016), whose role and strategy for sustainable development has gained roots for more than 12 years of existence in Uganda and beyond, with steady partnerships of like minded local and global organisations. GTG International...

Global Hand Standards introductory page You can also view this page in German. Diese Seite ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.
Western Union and MercyCorps
Mercy Corps CEO Neal Keny-Guyer and Senior Vice President Paul Dudley Hart discuss their organisation's partnership with Western Union to help individuals and families connect to key economic opportunities.
Cemex makes home improvements accessible for the poor in Mexican slums
Construmex is one of CEMEX's vanguard social initiatives. It was launched following the company's experience resulting from Patrimonio Hoy, a preceding low-income market and socially minded business initiative. Since its inception in 2001, Construmex has helped more than 14,000 Mexican migrants in...
PriceWaterhouseCoopers provides mentors on Big Brothers, Big Sisters programme
This video features a news item about a workplace volunteer mentoring programme in which PwC employees work with the Big Brothers Big Sisters NGO in New York City.
VisionSpring creates a new method of distributing reading glasses in India and other developing countries

This video introduces VisionSpring, a project jointly implemented by the SCOJO Foundation, Goldman Sachs, and various other groups in the private sector.
Bank of America supports Habitat for Humanity in Dallas
A 30-second video describing how Bank of America works in partnership with Habitat for Humanity in Dallas.
NIKE Village Development Project

Nike in partnership with the Population & Community Development Association (PDA) and local villages, established the ‘NIKE Village Development Project’ in Thailand.
Cemex makes home improvements accessible for the poor in 5 Latin American countries

CEMEX, a global leader in the building supply and cement industry, has recently expanded its highly-successful Patrimonio Hoy initiative. Originally started in 1998 with the goal of reducing the housing deficit in Mexico, Patrimonio Hoy has since expanded into 4 additional Latin American countries...
Cisco partners with Grameen Solutions in Bangladesh

Cisco partners with Grameen Solutions to establish business centers in rural Bangladesh that serve as distribution points for a variety of services, such as birth and death certificates, healthcare, distance learning, and retail sales of such necessities as hybrid seeds.