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Corporate Social Responsibility: The WBCSD’s journey

This document is a brief summary of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)'s current thinking on CSR and suggests the transition step to the next generation of work on this topic: from being a key project to becoming a cross-cutting theme. The report is designed to encourage...
Guide to corporate human rights impact assessment tools

This publication presents an overview of the existing Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) tools for business. It is intended to assist business managers of (multinational) corporations and their stakeholders to find their way in the world of Human Rights Impact Assessments, and provides advice...
Q & A

Questions you may be asking. h4. "Why Global Hand?":/en/about/qa_why_global_hand h4. "What is Global Hand?":/en/about/qa_what_is_global_hand h4. "Which organisations refer corporate provision to Global Hand?":/en/about/qa_which_orgs_refer_to_gh h4. "What is Global Hand's budget/business...
Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education

Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education, a report of the WEF, discusses the four main ways in which businesses typically engage in the process of economic development: core business...
Partnering in today’s world: a new website for Global Hand

The world is not as it was when Global Hand began. Times have changed and we are changing with them. Global Hand came into being as a ‘matching’ website: connecting for-profits and non-profits to respond to world need.
Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum

Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum, a conference report, provides a summary of the Forum's proceedings in respect to how business is addressing the Millennium Development Goals.
UN Global Compact Principles

The UN Global Compact Principles document consists of 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption that the Global Compact asks companies to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence.
New guidelines to help investors measure success of microfinance institutions

According to this news article, socially responsible investors are choosing to invest in microfinance to help alleviate poverty. By means of often very small loans, financial services, and technology, microfinance helps the poor, often women, to start self-sustaining businesses in order to escape...
Business Link - Corporate Social Responsibility

Business Link is the UK government's online resource for businesses.
Business Exchange - Corporate Social Responsibility

Business Exchange is an American site provided by Business Week. The site provides information on, news about and resources relevant to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Partnership Declaration

The Partnership Declaration relates to cross-sector collaboration between different stakeholder groups. The Partnership Declaration is a direct challenge to the corporate business, government and charitable sector to tackle the persistent problems of poverty, environmental degradation and...
Global Corruption Report

Now in its eighth year, this annual publication by Transparency International brings together scholars and civil society activists to examine the state of corruption around the globe. The latest edition (2009) focuses on corruption and the private sector.
10 Companies With Social Responsibility at the Core

Article was written by Bob Liodice and orgininally appeared on
Air Miles and Etihad Airways raises 11.4 million air miles for Medecins Sans Frontieres

Air Miles, the Middle East's leading multi-participant loyalty programme, has partnered with its UAE cardholders to raise a whopping 11.4 million Air Miles for Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), an international medical and humanitarian aid organisation.
Regional perspectives on "Sustainable Livelihoods and Business"

Regional perspectives on Sustainable Livelihoods and Business, a publication of the WBCSD, discusses the potential of Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) businesses - businesses that benefit the poor while opening new doors to companies’ activities. The report presents the features and findings obtained...
Enterprise Solutions to Poverty: Opportunities and Challenges for the International Development Community and Big Business

Enterprise Solutions to Poverty: Opportunities and Challenges for the International Development Community and Big Business, a report written by the Shell Foundation, argues that enterprise and business thinking must be placed at the heart of efforts to address poverty. The report concludes by...
Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business

Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business was developed to help businesses operating in developing countries to understand how to build public-private partnerships that will benefit their host country populations and participating firms.
Guidelines for building business coalitions against HIV/AIDS

The Guidelines for building business coalitions against HIV/AIDS provides practical, operational, timely and relevant guidance to companies and/or leaders in the private sector who want to combine forces in the fight against HIV/AIDS. It includes lessons learned and examples to those interested in...
Doing Business with the Poor: A Field Guide

Doing Business with the Poor: A Field Guide encourages "sustainable livelihoods (SL) business", that is, doing business with the poor in ways that benefit the poor and benefit the company. It discusses how successful SL business models focus on core competencies, partner across sectors and localise...
Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle

Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle was offered as a means of stimulating discussion about partnerships at the World Economic Forum's 2003 Meeting in Davos. The document attempts to define public-private partnerships, provide examples of such partnerships and suggest questions that...