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Trade Liberalization and Poverty: Policy Challenges from Latin America

Trade Liberalization and Poverty: Policy Challenges from Latin America, a WTO conference session abstract, discusses major policy challenges relevant to creating positive effects of trade liberalization on development and particularly on making trade pro-poor. The panellists shared views on the...

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Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle

Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle was offered as a means of stimulating discussion about partnerships at the World Economic Forum's 2003 Meeting in Davos. The document attempts to define public-private partnerships, provide examples of such partnerships and suggest questions that...

In: Resources

Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development

Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development explores two key questions, How can business be pro-poor? and How can such partnerships be made sustainable? The document showcases how an innovative private-community partnership transformed the livelihoods of highly vulnerable families in far flung...

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BOND Listing of Quality Standards, Codes and Inititatives

BOND Listing of Quality Standards, Codes and Inititatives, produced by the British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND), provides web links to approximately forty codes, frameworks, agreements and other documents relating to quality standards for NGOs.

In: Resources

Charity Commission Hallmarks of an Effective Charity

This document sets out the standards that will help charity trustees to improve the effectiveness of their charity, and the principles that the regulatory framework of the Charity Commission exists to support.

In: Resources

Corporate Social Responsibility: making good business sense

Built on the first CSR report, making good business sense, this document is the result of dialogues held globally. It offers insights into the way in which CSR is interpreted in different geographical regions, and provides some practical tools that companies everywhere can use to make CSR a...

In: Stories

General Electric Company brings business know-how to Girls Inc. Dallas

The General Electric Company's (GE) partnership with Girls Inc. Dallas has provided Girls Inc. Dallas with both financial support and with volunteers to help the NGO improve its delivery of services.

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Virgin Atlantic offers Fairtrade tea and coffee aboard all flights

In September 2007, following a series of blind tastings of a variety of Fairtrade teas and coffees, Virgin Atlantic announced a switch to offering passengers a variety of Fairtrade products, including organic green and white teas from QI teas, a range of fresh and instant coffees by Costa Coffee...

In: Stories

Haygrove establishes Gambia is Good to market fresh produce

Gambia is Good is a fresh produce marketing company which was conceived as a partnership between Haygrove Limited and Concern Universal, a leading development charity, with the purpose of linking small scale rural producers with the high value tourist market.

In: Stories

Merrill Lynch and Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million economic partnership for Southern California

In 2000, Merrill Lynch and The Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million three-year initiative to encourage new investments, economic opportunities and home ownership in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay area.

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Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announce a $500 million initiative for under-served California communities

In 2003, Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announced a $500 million initiative to expand small business lending and promote economic opportunities in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities throughout California.

In: Standards

Global Hand Principles

Global Hand, and its parent NGO, Crossroads Foundation, aims to ensure that aid given is good aid. You can find a range of standards, specific to sectors of the disaster and development spectrum, in our Standards, Guidelines and Toolkits section. A high level summary of Global Hand's standards...

In: Resources

Doing Business with the World: The New Role of Corporate Leadership in Global Development

Doing Business with the World, a publication of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), describes how companies can contribute to global sustainable development through their core businesses in a way that is profitable for the companies and good for development.

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Venture capital for low-income markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

Investing in housing, healthcare, education, basic utilities and nutrition can not only fulfill a social mission, but can also be a profitable business venture.

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Opportunities for the Majority: Bank initiative that promotes and finances private sector business models

The Opportunities for the Majority (OMJ) Initiative promotes and finances market-based, sustainable business models that engage private sector companies, local governments and communities in the development and delivery of quality products and services for the majority of the population of Latin...

In: Resources

A discussion paper on social intrapreneurship

This paper produced by the Doughty Centre at the Cranfield University examines the potential value of social intrapreneurship, and provisionally defines a social intrapreneur as "a person within a large corporation who takes direct initiative for innovation which addresses social or environmental...

In: Videos

Public-Private Partnership for Low - Cost Housing Investments

Thousands of Salvadorans with no credit history can access loans now to make home improvements and expand their home businesses. El Salvador has developed a unique and sustainable financial business model that enables low-income consumers to improve and expand their homes by mobilizing...

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The Global Partnership Social Investment Fund seeks investments in Latin America

The NGO Global Partnerships is redefining microfinance and moving beyond the concept of microloans as working capital. It aims to achieve greater impact in reducing poverty by combining these loans with affordable social investments, such as health services, training and low-cost pensions and...

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Vision Banco partners with Habitat to provide low-income housing in Paraguay

Thousands of low income Paraguayans will be able to make home improvements with credits provided by a Vision Banco-Habitat partnership.

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FSG: Elevating job skills worldwide

The Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) is a nonprofit consulting firm specializing in strategy, evaluation and research.