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Paul and Martha Medical Centre

Paul and Martha Medical Centre is located in Kimya Zone, Kasenda Sub County, Kabarole District in Uganda, East Africa. It is approximately 320 km from Kampala, the capital City of Uganda and 30 km from Fort-Portal Town, which is the proposed Tourism City of Uganda. The above facility is...

Yaweh Save Life Foundation Ghana

Yaweh Save Life Foundation Ghana is a non governmental organization registered under the companies code of Ghana. The Foundation helps children, including the most vulnerable, access quality education and attain functional levels of literacy, numeracy and essential life skills for the children....


biblesforuganda is an outreach arm for Newtestament Fellowship International with its head quarter in Northern Carolina. The organisation is faith based and started its operation in Uganda and with branches all over Africa. It works with Vision of Proclaiming the True Gospel and Doctrine...

Foundation for Community Transformation and Empowerment (FOCOTE-UGANDA )

FOCOTE Uganda is a community based organisation operating in the Rwenzori region carrying out community sensitisation on education, conflicts, environmental conservation, water and sanitation, primary health care, peace building and rehabilitation, youth empowerment, women emancipation, girl child...

To The Nations Ministries

To The Nations has been shipping containers from Australia to various countries in Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, Swaziland and Kenya ever since 2009. Working with long term ministry partners we get 100 percent of all items to the people and places with need. Our network of...

Good Shepherd Community Development Association

Good Shepherd Communities is a non profit organisation that serves seniors and the elderly community. They provide administrative and management services to various campuses. 1) They provide scholarships to local students to promote studies in healthcare fields 2) They provide opportunities for...

Olancho Aid Foundation, Inc.

The Olancho Aid Foundation has created an economically sustainable community in Olancho, Honduras that provides families an opportunity to stay well, stay together and an option to stay at home. The Foundation accomplishes it’s work through a partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Juticalpa. It...

Transformative and Innovetive Agricultural Tanzania - TIAT

TIAT proud to have expertise, experience and competence in 4 major areas namely enhancing farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), advocacy for gender equity and equality in owning and using resources in community, educating community on health issues and encourage environmental friendly...

Laari Happy Life Charity Foundation

The Laari Happy Life Charity Foundation is a community based organization newly established by a Ghanaian volunteer with the purpose of improving the living condition in Najon community of the Northern Region of the republic of Ghana. It core mandate is to provide the community with the basic...

Medical Healthcare Philanthropy International

Medical Healthcare Philanthropy International in collaboration with partners in health seeks the promotion of healthy living in Nigeria. The mission is to work for the improvement of healthy living through the provision of sponsored healthcare services with the aim to reduce, control and ultimately...

Spot light Villa Community

Spot Light Villa Community Organization was established in 2018 when a group of seven seniors ages 25 to 60 wanted to create a place with activities and support services that would cater to the specific needs of people living with poverty. Today, there are over three hundred active members. “The...

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC, is a non profit organization who are based in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and...

Child / Women Welfare Foundation

Child / Women Welfare Foundation is a nonprofit organization undertaking charity works. This organization was created to relieve the suffering of the affected people of conflict in Anglophone Meme Division, South West Region of Cameroon. The ongoing crisis/conflict that started in 2016 has...


PALPER asbl-RDC is non profit organization working in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo, North Kivu province. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and catastrophes. It is currently working in on improving lives by developing access to: education, health,...

Tree Uganda Academy (TUA)

Tree Uganda Academy (TUA) is an eco-inclusive, social action, research and advocacy youth led conservation and agriculture organization. It was first established in September 2015 to aid and philanthropy community led conservation and poverty alleviation through sustainable agriculture. The...

Haitian Christian Outreach

Haitian Christian Outreach partners with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. HCO is building generations of new believers through work in four primary areas. Through Church Planting to equip Haitian leaders. HCO ministers to Children by meeting their educational,...

Empowered Communities Helping Others (ECHO)

Empowered Communities Helping Others (ECHO) Vision : A self-sustaining society where every person is empowered and enjoys their right to development. Objectives of ECHO - ECHO is established for the purposes of promoting the interests of the Community with respect to: - Improving the...

Excel Supplies Community Based Organization

Excel Supplies Community Based Organization was registered in Kenya in the year 2017. Its mission is to enhance food security and quality environmental management and optimum allocation and use of resources for mitigating socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS, promoting education levels among the...

Shine Epilepsy Support Organization

Shine Epilepsy Support is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of people (children, young people and adults) with epilepsy through information, education, advocacy, support services and research throughout Kenya. Shine...

Tanzania Economic Empowerment and Environmental Management Initiative ( Teeemi )

Teeemi is a National Non governmental registered organization having an aim to serve the community in terms of social, economical, education, health and nature activities for better future. Teeemi major projects are: 1.Tanzania Agriculture Initiative 2.Vocation Education Project 3.Tanzania...