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3. Management

Transparency, good governance, accurate audit tracking and related management topics.

Reference material

As part of our ongoing research into the area of standards, Global Hand has put together a listing of standards, codes and guidelines relevant to public-private partnerships. This listing can be accessed via * the further information link below (PDF format) * a "searchable online...

Cargo / Transportation

Cargo handling can be an issue in aid quality. If goods are packed inappropriately for the recipients’ needs, the consignment can prove labour intensive for the distributors whose normal programmes may be affected accordingly.


It is possible to give equipment that, while generous, is technologically inappropriate if, for example, it is of a sophistication that is unsuitable for use in the recipient's environment, or requiring technical support that is unavailable at the local level.

Cross-referential Issues

The standards we are developing are both specific and cross-referential, the latter relating, in part or full, to the various sections listed under the Product, Services and Management headings.


Climate affects aid choices at levels that are both more and less obvious. Equipment, foodstuffs and textiles are among issues where vulnerability may be an concern.


The ecological balance of an environment is delicate and can be disturbed with the donation of inappropriate fauna, seed, etc. It can also be damaged through inappropriate disposal of equipment, such as computers, with toxic parts.

Combating Corruption

Corruption can prove problematic at every point in the aid distribution process, from arrival at port to local distribution.

Customs & Excise

Sometimes aid is sent without due care being given to customs and excise. This can result in border delays, demurrage fees and break of trust. Quality aid presupposes quality preparation.

Shipment Follow-up

After a consignee receives the shipment, follow-up, both short term and long term, is critical to ensure adequate accountability.

1.3 Medical equipment, products & supplies

Global Hand recommends the WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations as summarised here. By describing "good donation practice", these guidelines aim to improve the quality of drug donations.

1.6 Furniture

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.7 Computer equipment

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.8 Electrical products

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.9 Toys or music or sport

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.10 Books or audio visual

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.11 Stationery or craft

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.12 Transportation (vehicles, bicycles etc.)

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.13 Tools or machinery

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

1.14 Materials handling & storage products

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.