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National Emergency Management Association

The National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) is the professional association of and for state emergency management directors. NEMA runs programmes in emergency management, acts as a comprehensive information and assistance resource, and develops strategic partnerships aimed at improving...

Republic of Korea National Red Cross

The Republic of Korea National Red Cross (KRC) assists victims of natural disasters by coordinating distribution points for emergency supplies, providing short-term feeding services for displaced victims, setting-up emergency first-aid stations, tracing family members and assisting families cope...


RANET is an international collaboration to make weather, climate, and related information more accessible to remote and resource poor populations. RANET undertakes this mission in order to aid day-to-day resource decisions and mitigate disaster losses. The program combines innovative technologies...

Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) USA

Focus Humanitarian Assistance is an international group of agencies established in Europe, North America and South Asia that provides relief and support services during and following natural and man-made disasters, primarily in Asia and Africa. FOCUS helps people in need reduce their dependence on...

Children of Fiji (a.k.a. St Christopher's Children's home in Fiji)

The charity 'Children of Fiji' was formed on humanitarian grounds and has no religious or political affiliation. Its goals are to advance education, health and welfare and to relieve the poverty of children in Fiji. It provides various schools with essential resources such as reading and reference...

Prime Minister's National Relief Fund, India

Established in 1948, the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) primarily provides support to families of those killed in natural disasters and to the victims of major incidents, with assistance also available for medical treatment. The fund consists entirely of public contributions and does...

World Vision - Lebanon

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. In Lebanon, World Vision has been active in providing food, shelter, and health services to those affected by civil and regional wars. It is...

Canadian Lutheran World Relief

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is the service delivery arm for development programming and overseas relief for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Lutheran Church-Canada. CLWR facilitates and supports development programmes in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. It...

Oxfam - Vietnam

Oxfam is an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in 98 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. In Vietnam, Oxfam's focus is on education, sustainable livelihoods, fair trade, gender equality, and...

Development and Peace

Founded by the Canadian Catholic Church, this agency finances projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, providing both disaster and emergency aid, plus funding for development projects run by local groups in these areas.

Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS)

Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) is an international group of charities, and is affiliated to the Aga Khan Network. It was set up in order to respond to natural and man-made disasters. It distributes food, medicines and essential material, and assists with the resettlement of displaced persons.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Canada

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Canada provides medical and logistical expertise, and personnel for a number of field operations across the globe, especially in countries where no medical infrastructure exists or where existing ones cannot cope. MSF Canada directly responds to public health...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Romania

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International Bolivia

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purpose of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA now works in 120 countries world-wide, providing disaster relief and assistance to...

Maria Relief Fund

The Maria Relief Fund was founded in 2005, with 30 years' experience of helping distressed children, guiding principle was "loving a stranger." The goal is to bring relief to families and children suffering poverty and distress, whether due to political oppression, natural disaster or any other...

Healing Colombia Foundation

Healing Colombia Foundation is a Colombian NGO dedicated to the recovery of young people at risk through prevention and rehabilitation. The organisation works with displaced and socially disadvantaged groups throughout Colombia, providing material and spiritual aid. The Foundation runs emergency...

Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates (UAERC)

Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates (UAERC), a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, provides humanitarian and disaster relief assistance.

International Workshop on Mobile Information Technology for Emergency Response

The International Workshop on Mobile Information Technology for Emergency Response presents the latest approaches and technical solutions in the area of mobile information technology for emergency response planning and execution.

Global Rescue Services (GRS)

Global Rescue Services (GRS) promotes the protection of the life amongst communities in need in any part of the world by provision of trained specialist rescue support services, personnel and equipment; and, advances the education and training of rescue personnel and rescue dogs in all aspects of...

Centre for International Health and Cooperation

The Centre for International Health and Cooperation aims to promote recovery and peace in countries shattered by natural disasters, armed conflicts and ethnic violence. The Center employs its resources and unique personal contacts to stimulate interest in humanitarian issues and to promote...