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CARE USA - Mozambique

CARE USA is an affiliate of the CARE organisation - one of the world's largest private humanitarian organisations. Founded in 1945, CARE is committed to helping families in poor communities CARE works with poor communities in more than 70 countries through various programmes intended to provide...

ChildFund Australia

ChildFund Australia is a child-focused NGO that works directly with community leaders and families in developing countries to create lasting and meaningful change. ChildFund Australia strive to make the world a safer, healthier and happier place for children by designing programs that support...

HELP - Germany

HELP is a German non-governmental charitable organisation and is engaged in emergency assistance as well as rehabilitation and development projects. HELP aims to encourage the efforts made by communities affected by catastrophes and misery -- to have them improve their living circumstances...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Peru

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA now works in 120 coutnries world-wide. ADRA has been working in Peru since 1965....

World Bank - Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia joined the World Bank in 1957. For over thirty years, Saudi Arabia and the World Bank have been partners under the framework of the Technical Cooperation Program (TCP). The TCP has covered various areas, beginning with the support to large infrastructure projects (transport and urban...

World Bank - Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the largest recipients of support from International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessionary arm. Since 1972, the World Bank has committed more than $15 billion support to the Government of Bangladesh to reduce poverty and improve the lives of the people. ...

East Timor Sunrise Incorporated

East Timor Sunrise Incorporated aims to alleviate poverty and help the people of East Timor in the development of their country through the collection of donated goods for distribution in East Timor, the shipment of goods to East Timor and raising finances to support the people of East Timor.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Philippines

With 60 member countries, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. ADB’s principal tools are loans, guarantees, and technical assistance, which the bank provides mainly to member governments for...

REDF (formerly known as The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund)

REDF (also known as The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund) is a San Francisco-based venture philanthropy organization that creates jobs and employment opportunities for people facing the greatest barriers to work. REDF provides equity-like grants and business assistance to a portfolio of...

Australian Volunteers International

Australia Volunteers International is Australia's international non-profit volunteer sending agency. The agency is committed to creating a peaceful and just world by promoting exchange of knowledge and cultures. They provide volunteer opportunities in a wide variety of development areas and prepare...

World Vision Chile

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been working in Chile since 1980, and currently runs programmes to improve infrastructure, to provide money and...

World Vision Ecuador

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation established in 1950 dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been active in Ecuador since 1978, working in a participatory way with the poorest...

New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) is the Government’s principal adviser and negotiator on foreign and trade policy issues. MFAT’s primary role is to recognise and understand international trends, opportunities and risks that affect New Zealand, and offer the Government advice on how...

Orphanages for Africa

Orphanages for Africa (OFA) is a Christian international humanitarian and development organisation dedicated to serving orphans in Africa. OFA works through partners to provide basic aid (food, clothing, medical expenses and school fees) to needy children, and promotes self-reliance through the...

ChildFund Australia

ChildFund Australia (CFA)(formerly Christian Child Fund of Australia) is an organisation focused on reducing poverty and improving the well-being of children through partnership with developing communities worldwide. Current projects focus on microenterprise development and psychosocial support...

United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

UNCDF works to help eradicate poverty through local development programmes (LCP) and microfinance operations. LCP is to test decentralized/ local planning systems and funding mechanisms. Microfinance operations is to develop financial systems, engage financial service providers, central banks and...

Department for International Development (DFID) - India - New Delhi

The Department for International Development (DFID) India, with its headquarters in New Delhi, is part of the British High Commission family. It implements DFID's largest single overseas programme contributing to poverty eradication. DFID India's focus areas are: supporting partner states in...

The Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a non-profit NGO that is committed to the development of a prosperous and open Asia-Pacific region. It has four areas of particular interest: Governance Law and Civil Society, Women's Participation, Economic Reform and Development, and International Development. It undertakes...

African Development Foundation (ADF)

The United States African Development Foundation is an independent Federal agency established to support African-designed and African-driven solutions that address grassroots economic and social problems. The grants help organizations create tangible benefits such as increasing or sustaining...

Opportunity International UK

Opportunity International's mission is to provide opportunities that enable people suffering chronic poverty to transform their lives by creating jobs, stimulating small businesses and strengthening communities. OI works through independent local partners who provide small business loans, savings...