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Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a private, non-profit, non-governmental organisation working to advance the mutual interests of the United States and the Asia Pacific region. The Foundation is committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous, and open Asia-Pacific region. It offers grants for projects...
Wholistic Transformation Resource Center (WTRC)

WTRC helps development organisations involved in micro enterprise programmes, and seeks, on a global and regional scale, to facilitate the distribution and sharing of information and services needed by the micro enterprise sector. WTRC wants to see strong local churches that are self-sustaining,...
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)

U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) promotes scientific and technical collaboration between the United States and the countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU). The aim is to assist in the establishment of a market economy in the independent states of the FSU. Provide...
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)

BRAC is a large and multifaceted development organisation with the twin objectives of alleviation of poverty and empowerment of the poor. BRAC works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease, and other handicaps. BRAC promotes income generation for the poor,...

Proshika, a NGO is dedicated to training, education and action within poor districts through a broad range of programmes. The programmes are supported by research activities and advocacy campaigns PROSHIKA's mission is to conduct an extensive, intensive, and participatory process of sustainable...
Association For Development Cooperation

The Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH) was founded in Germany in 1959 as a Catholic based, international aid personnel service. AGEH partners with church based agencies and communities, as well as non-governmental organisations to bring about poverty reduction, peace service, and...

Africare's programmes address needs in the principal areas of food security and agriculture as well as health and HIV/AIDS. Africare also supports water resource development, environmental management, basic education, micro enterprise development, governance initiatives and emergency humanitarian...
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Africa (Regional Office)

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...
Asian Rural Institute

This NGO aims to build a sustainable and peaceful society by training rural leaders from developing countries. the Asian Rural Institute (ARI) is an international training ground for grassroots rural leaders. Each year we conduct a nine-month Rural Leaders Training Program on Sustainable...
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Through their Civil Society Program, the Foundation provides grants to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and South Africa. Through four programmes areas -- Central/Eastern Europe and Russia, South Africa, United States and Global -- they fund efforts to...
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Guyana

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. In Guyana the UNDP supports the peoples of Guyana in pursuit of national goals and objectives as articulated by the...
Carnegie Moscow Center

Carnegie Moscow Center is a US-based, private, non-profit organisation that accommodates foreign and Russian researchers collaborating with Washington staff on a variety of topical areas and policy-relevant projects. The Center has relationships with Russian specialists and scholars, educational...
Pragma Corporation

Pragma Corporation provides technical and management consulting services for development projects worldwide. It focus on helping countries develop the foundation for economic growth through areas including small and medium enterprise development, banking, trade and investment facilitation and...
CARE International - Belgium

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. With programmes in over 72 countries, CARE touches the lives of over 30 million of the world's...
South American Missionary Society (SAMS)

The South American Missionary Society (SAMS) is a faith-based charity, involved in activities including funding programmes in the area of medical outreach, rural community development, micro-enterprise development and orphanages. SAMS is committed to working in partnership with churches in...
Rural Foundation for West Africa

The Rural Foundation for West Africa (WARF) is a non-profit international organisation that makes grants, provides technical assistance, carries out research and builds networks. Its activities focus on capacity building, knowledge management, rural entrepreneurship, gender equity in development,...
Tumaini Awareness Group.

The Tumaini Awareness Group aims to empower young people in marginalised rural areas of East Africa by informing them of relevant current issues, such as health and drug abuse. This enables the youths to make better informed decisions for themselves and their community. The Group also provides...
American Jewish World Service

American Jewish World Service, Inc. ("AJWS"), a not-for-profit international development organization motivated by Judaism's imperative to pursue justice. AJWS is dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the developing world regardless of race, religion or...
Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)

Under the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), the centre was first established in Bangalore, India in 1977. Its main goal is to promote the transfer of technology among small and middle scale industries in the Asian and Pacific region. ESCAP focuses on four specific areas...
Deep Griha Society

Working for the betterment of the people who live in the slums in Pune, India, the society was founded by like minded friends in 1975. It is an independent charitable organisation that has various programmes from medical to educational services, from child care to women development to rural...