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Restaurants Help Romanian Orphans
After the execution in 1989 of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and the corresponding fall of the communist government, the world’s press got its first look at the horrendous conditions that Romanian orphans had been living in. Lack of basic care and attention left many of the children...
Underwear for Eastern Europe: A Global Hand match story

It made no sense. The young widow, a trained teacher in Eastern Europe, had battled for years without employment. Natalka (not her real name) had three children to bring up. A colleague found her a job in a high school where she expected the widow to thrive.
Wrong aid destroys jobs - February, 2003

We’re supposed to help, not hurt those we serve. But inappropriate humanitarian product can see factories closed and unemployment increased.
Job Creation - June, 2003

Unemployment figures have reached tragic levels - in their 70's, 80's and 90's - in some of the world's worst hit economies. In response, many humanitarian groups are moving towards projects that create jobs. Global Hand has put together a listing of organisations involved in microenterprise...
European Organisations - September, 2003

Are you based in Europe? Working in Europe? Needing European contacts?
Partnering in today’s world: a new website for Global Hand

The world is not as it was when Global Hand began. Times have changed and we are changing with them. Global Hand came into being as a ‘matching’ website: connecting for-profits and non-profits to respond to world need.