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Fair Trade Group Nepal

The Fair Trade Group Nepal (FTG Nepal) is a consortium of fair trading organisations that work together to improve the socio-economic status of underprivileged and marginalised producers in Nepal.
Red Taxi Sourcing Ltd

Red Taxi Sourcing Ltd is a Hong Kong and Australian owned company that manufactures ethically sensitive and environmentally sustainable organic cotton uniforms using fairly traded products. The company runs a One+One programme, providing school uniforms and funding to developing countries for every...
Maya Traditions Foundation

Maya Traditions Foundation is a Guatamalan NGO dedicated to facilitating access to national and international markets for 180 Maya backstrap weaver artisans and their families in the highlands of Guatemala. The Foundation follows a fair trade model continually seeking to build capacity in regard...
Chaka MarketBridge
Chaka MarketBridge is an American company that exists to provide customers with access to high-quality and stylish, handmade products; to provide undiscovered, impoverished artisans with the global market they need to grow and succeed; and to connect artisans and customers in both fair trade and...
Solidarity Bridge

Solidarity Bridge is a Catholic organization established in the USA that provides critical medical care and cooperative support to poor communities in Bolivia. The organisation also trains local Bolivian medical personnel to improve their own practices and thus serve their communities more...
Divine Chocolate

Divine Chocolate Limited, formerly the Day Chocolate Company, is a manufacturer of Fairtrade chocolate products in the United Kingdom and the United States. It was established in the UK in 1998 as a partnership between the Kuapa Kokoo cocoa growers' collective and the alternative trading...
Kihanga Farm Transport And General Trading Company Limited

Kihanga Farm Transport and General Trading Co. Ltd is a private company incorporated in 1999 as a Limited Company under Companies Act, 2002 by Reg. No. 35681. The company mainly undertakes farming activities, transport, agro-dealer and civil works tendered by government (TANROADS and TARURA),...
United Nations Conference On Trade And Development (UNCTAD)

UNCTAD serves as an international agency dedicated to furthering international trade and fostering enterprise and economic development worldwide. It hires experts to help with international issues, attempts to alter public policy to bring about development, and offers technical aid. UNCTAD works...
Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO)

Fairtade Labelling Organisation International (FLO) are 24 organisations working to secure a better deal for producers. FLO coordinates Fairtrade labelling at an international level. From its head offices, in Bonn, Germany, FLO: * Set international Fairtrade standards * Organise...
Getrade (GH) Ltd Fps

Getrade (GH) Ltd Fps is an export house for Ghana small scale producers. Getrade deals with export handling for members and partners, marketing, freight services and domestic sales. The company produces bolga baskets, woodcarvings – toys (oware), furniture (stools), authentic African art,...
Fairtrade Africa
Fairtrade Africa is the independent non-profit umbrella organisation representing all Fairtrade certified producers in Africa. Fairtrade Africa is a member of Fairtrade International (FLO) which unites three producer networks (Fairtrade Africa; CLAC – Latin America and the Caribbean; and NAP –...
Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts: Crafting a Brighter Tomorrow for Disavantaged Women and Minorities in Vietnam

Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts (MVH) is a small and successful business, founded in 1990 by two passionate and energetic women. Building on the belief that social development is intricately tied to economic self‐reliance, Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts reaches out to artisans in underdeveloped areas and...
Fair trade; not just free trade

Fair trade; not just free trade, a news article, reports that the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) commended the Department of Trade and Industry for opposing the current Doha texts on agriculture and industrial goods. The Congress of South African Trade Unions is concerned about the...
Fairtrade hopes for Cadbury cocoa farmers in Ghana
Cadbury Cocoa Partnership scheme tries to help the farmers who provide the company with its raw material.
Women artisans given business opportunities in Rwanda
Indego Africa is an NGO and a fair-trade online retailer. The organisation partners with small Rwandan "cooperatives", women artisan owned and operated producers of traditional baskets, bags, and other local products, and connects them to the growing global market for African inspired handicrafts,...
Fairtrade Campaigner and Supporter Promotional Materials Manual
Instructions for non-commercial use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on promotional materials (Examples of non-commercial promotional materials are: campaign banners, leaflets, posters, stickers, local authority produced materials, websites)
Oro Verde program partners to promote responsible mining of precious metals in Colombia

The Oro Verde program, located in Colombia’s poorest and conflict-affected region (Chocó), promotes responsible mining of precious metals through traditional extraction methods and technology transfer, with a view to commercialize the metals in specialized fair trade markets.
Timberland partners with Verite to incorporate a Code of Conduct into supplier's internal management system.

Timberland partners with Verite, an independent nonprofit social auditing, training, and research organization, to ensure that working conditions around the world are fair, legal and safe.
Global Mamas

Global Mamas is a fair trade clothing cooperative located in Ghana, West Africa supporting the sustainable development of women artisans by producing Fair Trade products. Global Mamas infuses business social responsibility in all aspects of their work while promoting Fair Trade clothing for...
Presbyterian Handicraft Centre (PRESCRAFT)

The Presbyterian Handicraft Centre, known as Prescraft, was organized by the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon as a non-profit organization to benefit disadvantaged craftspeople. Men and women produce traditional West African handicrafts including baskets, pottery, woodcarvings, brass castings...