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Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships

Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships, a publication by the UN Global Compact Office, presents a case for partnering with the UN in addition to listing case studies of successful UN-business partnerships. The partnerships presented in the...

Principles of Corporate Citizenship

The Principles of Corporate Citizenship address the activities of transportation and logistics companies. The principles include compliance through integrity, optimising shareholder value over time, transparency and accountability, social justice in the workplace, global corporate citizenship,...

Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle

Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle was offered as a means of stimulating discussion about partnerships at the World Economic Forum's 2003 Meeting in Davos. The document attempts to define public-private partnerships, provide examples of such partnerships and suggest questions that...

Guidelines for the Donation of Medications (GNPPLUS)

The Global Network of People living with Aids (GNPPLUS) has produced this document, which lists guidelines for donations of medicines. It refers to legal issues relating to both donors and recipients. It recommends that drugs should appear on the national Essential Drug List, or if no list is...


REACT, Responding to Emergencies with Appropriateness, Coordination and Timeliness, is Global Hand's disaster response initiative.

id21 (information for Development in the 21st Century)

id21 is a fast-track research reporting service funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). It aims to bring UK-based development research findings and policy recommendations to policymakers and development practitioners worldwide. It has now merged with Eldis and the id21...

Flood Observatory - Dartmouth

Flood Observatory - Dartmouth detects, maps, measures, and analyzes extreme flood events worldwide using satellite remote sensing. Imaging of selected river reaches is used to detect floods and extreme low flow conditions. The Observatory also provides yearly catalogues, large-scale maps, and...

WTO Director-General Mike Moore calls for increased trade liberalisation to help finance development

WTO Director-General Mike Moore calls for increased trade liberalisation to help finance development, a news article, reports that the then WTO Director-General Mike Moore said trade liberalisation can make a huge contribution to the generation of resources for the financing of development. But Mr...

Business and malaria: a neglected threat?

Business and malaria, a report of the Global Health Initiative (GHI) of the World Economic Forum, is the largest and most comprehensive report ever on the impact of malaria on business. The report found that 72% of Sub-Saharan African businesses are affected by malaria. In response, the GHI...

Directory of Social Change (DSC)

The Directory of Social Change (DSC), set up in 1975, is an independent source of information and support to voluntary and community sectors worldwide. The DSC provides training courses and publications (including online information and CD-ROMs) on fundraising, management, organisational and...

World Bank calls for Africa fund

World Bank calls for Africa fund, a news article, reports that the World Bank has urged developed countries to create a fund to help African economies build the infrastructure they need to keep growing. The World Bank warned that the global economic meltdown was becoming an employment crisis and...

Trade Finance: Make it work for women

Trade Finance: Make it work for women, a news article, reports that women make up 70% of the world's poor, and it is important that they be given access to finance, which is critical to business success. The global financial crisis exacerbates an already dissatisfactory situation of trade financing...

Water Environment Federation (WEF) Conferences

Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a non-profit technical and educational organisation whose vision is to "preserve and enhance the global water environment." The Conferences website lists annual WEF conferences.

Disaster Center

Disaster Center provides information on disasters with the purpose being to understand the causes of disasters and mitigate for their consequences.

Ministry of Health - Czech Republic

Ministry of Health of Czech Republic is a department in the government of Czech Republic which prepares health programs and works to help people with health problems, also it aims to control and prevent it. It provides also a range of information and activities related to health issues.

Corporate Volunteer Reporting Standards v2.0

Corporate Volunteer Reporting Standards v2.0 are used for reporting the activities of a company’s employee volunteer program. Standards relate to areas such as volunteer activities, employee volunteers, volunteer hours and dollar value of volunteer hours.

Mennonite Disaster Service

Mennonite Disaster Service is a volunteer network through which various constituencies of the Anabaptist church can respond to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States.

Global Corruption Report

Now in its eighth year, this annual publication by Transparency International brings together scholars and civil society activists to examine the state of corruption around the globe. The latest edition (2009) focuses on corruption and the private sector.

Business guide to partnering with NGOs and the United Nations: Executive Summary

Business guide to partnering with NGOs and the United Nations: Executive Summary, created in partnership between Dalberg, the UN Global Compact, and the Financial Times, provides an overview of the study of the partnership experiences of businesses with social actors - NGOs and UN agencies.

Sustainable Resources 2004 An International Forum Connecting People with Hands-on Solutions to World Poverty September 27 - October 5 Boulder, Colorado

The Sustainable Resources 2004 conference provided a platform of exchange where poverty issues faced by the developing world could be addressed globally and solved locally. The programme of the conference was designed around the UN Millennium Development Goals. The event aimed to provide...