Search Results

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Foundation

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Foundation is an organisation in Malaysia committed to serving the poor, the needy, the sick, the homeless and orphans. The Foundation is hoping to raise sufficient funds to build a clinic to provide for the medical needs of the people it cares for.

South Central Windward Producer's Co-operative Society

The South Central Windward Co-operative Society is a rural community co-operative organization in the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (an island in the southern Caribbean). The Society's philosophy is based on a central theme that production and productivity must be maximized in developing...

Acholi Community Empowerment Initiative Limited (ACEIL)

Acholi Community Empowerment Initiative Limited (ACEIL) is a legally registered company limited by guarantee. ACEIL owns Acholi Broadcasting Service (ABS FM) which is being established in Gulu. The main objective of the company is to empower the community in northern Uganda who are recovering from...

Athena Naturals

Athena Naturals is a female-owned American company that manufactures handmade soap and sells fair trade items produced by women cooperatives from around the world. The company's social mission is to educate consumers locally about fair trade and eco-friendly shopping products. Students associated...

Friends of Children and Elderly Development Initiative (F-CELDIN)

The Friends of Children and Elderly Development Initiative is a Nigerian NGO that cares for disadvantaged children and the elderly in rural areas. The organisation sets up young readers clubs in rural schools, and sponsors children with a love of printed matter, providing grants for shoes and...

Arusha Region Senior Citizens Organization

Chama cha Wazee na Wastaafu Mkoani Arusha (Arusha Region Senior Citizens Organization) was established on 18th March 1998 and registered on 3rd September 1998, under Registration No SO 9555. It has been operating in the Region since its registration on areas of Advocacy and lobbying on ageing...

Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA)

The Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA) is an NGO in Kenya. The Alliance was formed to bring together efforts to empower pastoralist communities in the Moyale and Sololo districts through utilising resources and promoting sustainable development. Areas of intervention include...

Literates Welfare Association (LAW)

The Literates Welfare Association (LAW) is an NGO in Tamilnadu, India, working for the welfare of the downtrodden especially dalits, women, marginal landholders, landless peasants, and underprivileged children. Among the current programmes sponsored by the organisation are the following:...

Indian Women And Child Welfare Trust

The Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust (IWCWT) is an NGO involved in social development, relief and advocacy. The Trust is committed to the Millennium Development Goals, caring for poor, unprivileged and exploited people. The Trust's primary focus is on improving community education,...

IDDF (Initiatives pour un Development Durable Fondamental)

“Initiatives pour un Développement Durable Fondamental” (IDDF) is a Togolese NGO involved in sustainable development. IDDF has supported many development interventions through agriculture, conservation, democracy, education, advisory services, training, and advocacy. Over the years, IDDF has...

Hospices of Hope

Hospices of Hope is a charity that provides high quality palliative care in Romania, Serbia and Moldova. The organisation is committed to educating health care professionals in palliative care, and lobbying for a better legal framework for all palliative care providers in South - East Europe.

Liberia Talented Youth Association (LIBTAYA)

The Liberia Talented Youth Association (LIBTAYA)is an NGO that works with and for young people, many of whom have been traumatised by the civil war in the country. The Association aims to provide support to its target group through educational support and skills training. Initial projects include...

True North Foundation

The True North Foundation is an NGO in Kenya focusing on the rehabilitation and aftercare of addicted young people.

PVK Foundation

The PVK Foundation is a Christian charity dedicated to working for the poor and needy in Andhra Pradesh in addition to its faith-based activities. The Foundation works, in particular, with tribal people.

Association for the Promotion of Women and Children (APWAC)

The Association for the Promotion of Women and Children (APWAC) is a Cameroonian NGO that works with and for women. APWAC aims to empower women through education, capacity building and improvement in health and general well-being. APWAC projects include education and child care, with a...

Mission to the Blind

Mission to the Blind is an Indian NGO that works for the spiritual and physical welfare of blind people. The organisation works in 19 states of India and has 108 staff - 68 sighted and 40 blind persons. Mission to the Blind aims to see blind people in India in the mainstream of church and society...

Three Angels High School Ntandi

The Three Angels High School Ntandi is a community secondary school in a rural area of Uganda near to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The school is trying to integrate a group of orphans from the Batwa tribe into the community. The children have lost their parents through...

National Youth Service Corps

The National Youth Service Corps is a Nigerian organisation created in a bid to reconstruct, reconcile and rebuild the country after the Nigerian Civil war. The NYSC aims to encourage and develop common ties among the youths of Nigeria and to promote national unity. After completion of tertiary...

United Gospel Mission

The United Gospel Mission, is an Indian NGO that acts as a facilitating body for a network of over 150 little known native Christian NGOs spread over 7 states and reaching 60 districts of North India. UGM works with network members on community transformation projects and initiatives including...

Basic Needs and Human Rights Initiatives

The Basic Needs and Human Rights Initiatives is a Nigerian NGO that is active in the area of poverty, human rights, conflict, violence, education, and health.