Bugangaizi Self-Help Alliance Program (BSAP)

Unverified non-profit organisation

BSAP is a Community Based Organization operating in Kakumiro District, initiated by a group of 65 rural residents based in Kakumiro District; registered with Kibaale District in 2000 and later with Kakumiro District Local Government under Community Based Services in 2018.

The overall goal is to improve the quality of life for the rural communities of Kakumiro District economically, socially and morally for meaningful sustainable and integrated rural development. Currently, the organization is managed by 09 Board of Directors, 35 founder members, and a Secretariat of 13 staff plus 80 volunteers based in the entire District of Kakumiro.

With financial assistance from Kootje/jambo, Moeke Fund, Castricum Helpt Muttathara, Tools 4Change- The Netherlands, Mercury Phoenix Trust-UK, Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation California-US, Kitara Civil Society Organization’s net-work (KCSON) and others BSAP has constructed and renovated 03 primary schools ( Irindimura, Kakindo and Mukorra) all of Kakumiro district, supported vocational institutions with skills training tools of carpentry, tailoring and others; and sponsored over 1,000 needy and vulnerable children with school fees from primary to tertiary level; about 15,000 people have benefited from BSAP programs.

Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

Less than 500,000

Participant in relevant networks

BSAP is a member Organization of Kitara Civil Society Orgnization (KCSON) an umbrella Organization of Civil society Organizations (NGOs/CBOs) in greater Kibaale District (Kakumiro, Kagadi and Kibaale Districts)

About this organisation

Partnership types

Project funding

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Disability issues; Education and training; Job...show all (4)